
"How to Extract Gold from a Fish’s Mouth" by Gordon Alexander

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"How to Extract Gold from a Fish’s Mouth" by Gordon Alexander


The heart of this report is Matthew 17:27...

Gordon goes over three different meanings of this verse. And how you can use what it teaches to help you to ensure your financial future...

An incredible thing about this verse is it also reveals what's MISSING from the usual discussion of the "Law of Attraction"...

If only people had included this, then those following the "Law of Attraction" would have more success...

Gordon clearly explains it, in a way I've never seen anywhere else!

When I read it, suddenly - like a flash of lightning - it became crystal clear!

I believe that you'll have a similar experience!

Here's what you'll find in the report...

  • During a time of recession and inflation, here's how you can be in the calm of the eye of the hurricane (p. 13)
  • The important detail you must apply which is usually missing when they talk about the "Law of Attraction" (p. 19)
  • The three important meanings of Matthew 17:27 that can critically affect your financial future (p. 6)
  • The simple key to finding your REAL inner purpose (p. 57)
  • The way that merchants in the ancient world achieved their oodles of wealth (p. 8)
  • How you can avoid the number one cause of failure in online marketing (p. 12)
  • The first step you need to take on your road to a financially successful life (p. 15)
  • When you have a Higher Power involved in your life, this is what you can do (p. 56-57)
  • The three things that you need to consider when searching and finding the perfect opportunity that suits you (p. 3)
  • The title of the famous book "Think and Grow Rich" is ironic - knowing this is the key to applying it to transform your life (p. 17)
  • We're all in the "parade of life" - here's what that means for you to find new opportunities whenever you want them (p. 24)
  • The ultimate way to secure your financial future (p. 4)

If you're the kind who looks for deeper meaning in what you're doing... and if you're the kind who accepts the Bible as a source of wisdom... you'll find this report illuminating!

Reports by Gordon Alexander sell for up to $47... But we've priced this one at a relatively low $17... We want to make sure it's affordable to all...

That's just the price of four "Venti" coffees at Starbucks. But... this will change your life more than drinking four Ventis!

It's a bit outrageous at what a low price you can get this for...

Get it here while you can...

Best wishes,

Dien Rice

P.S. What if you don't like it, or don't feel like it's for you?

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58 pages
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